Jeanne Socrates and her journey around the World - part 3
Since our last blog Jeanne has again suffered a set back and has had to abandon her non stop circumnavigation of the world attempt.
Again Jeanne encountered high winds and rough seas which tossed Jeanne and Nereida around off the coast of California. Jeanne noticed that the genset was leaking freshwater cooling, so the batteries were not charging. There was also a problem with the gooseneck, where the mast and boom connect.
It was then that Jeanne decided that she needed to abandon her plans and sail into San Diego to get some help with Nereida.
"...I've had to make the painful decision to head in there for repairs needed to the boom connection and genset, among other, more minor, items. Not a comfortable thought while heading towards the Southern Ocean that the genset would probably be out of action for the next 7-8 months (an epoxy repair would almost certainly not last long, always assuming it could be done and would work at all), giving an ongoing battery power issue with not enough fuel (main engine takes more diesel and is less efficient at frequent topping up of wind and solar power inputs), and the boom connection can only get worse with more rough use and is already badly worn.... Not something I can repair- it needs proper attention.
Jeanne SocratesFeeling very disheartened and sad.... So many people have been so supportive and helpful in so many ways, for which I have been deeply appreciative... Thanks to you all!"
Even when heading towards San Diego, Jeanne was rolling in winds of 25-30knots WNW and 4-5 metre waves.
When onshore Jeanne's followers on her Facebook and blog pages asked whether she would start out her attempt again, this time from San Diego?
Apart from lateness in season to head S to Cape Horn and around Sthn Ocean (since would likely be May when rounding N.Z.), San Diego start would require an added WP for extra miles to be added:
Jeanne SocratesWSSR rule 26.1.a states:
"To sail around the World, a vessel must start from and return to the same point, must cross all meridians of longitude and must cross the Equator. It may cross some but not all meridians more than once (i.e. two roundings of Antarctica do not count). The shortest orthodromic track of the vessel must be at least 21,600 nautical miles in length calculated based on a 'perfect sphere'. In calculating this distance, it is to be assumed that the vessel will sail around Antarctica in latitude 63 degrees south. A vessel starting from any point where the direct orthodromic distance is too short (e.g. San Diego) shall pass one single island or other fixed point on a required side so as to lengthen the orthodromic track to the minimum distance".
Jeanne and Nereida are now safely being looked after in San Diego and plans are on hold until at least next year for attempting the circumnavigation again.
All of your friends at Boatshed are very proud of you Jeanne, and look forward to hearing of your winter adventures.